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Intern Alan Robinson

Part of our philosophy as a firm is that we want to do all we can to nurture and grow the next generation of young leaders. So we usually have at least one or two interns on staff, learning the ropes and gaining valuable professional experience.

This week, we’re saying goodbye to an intern with whom we have thoroughly enjoyed working this summer. Alan Robinson joined our team two months ago as he prepares to enter his second year of law school at Howard University on August 16.

Alan is a native of Springdale, MD, and received his undergraduate degree from the University of Miami. He’s been eager to learn and soak up knowledge each day. 

His future is bright, and we’re happy to shine a spotlight on him in our latest Q&A:

What have been your primary responsibilities during this internship?
I have had the luxury of being able to spend most of my summer learning from all of the talented partners and associates at G.S. Proctor. 

Joseph Green has a brilliant mind and has provided me with a lot of guidance on how to conduct research. Trey Proctor has also been an invaluable mentor who was able to explain the lobbying business to me in a way that made sense. Monroe Harrison was also another role model that provided me with a lot of wisdom on working at a corporate level. Sherrie Sims was also instrumental in teaching me how to research government funding projects and take advantage of opportunities that the government provides. 

Ewa and Kelly, my fellow intern class, also provided me with guidance and information about a lot of things happening at the firm. Ewa especially was invaluable in providing me with the tools necessary to be successful in completing projects at the firm. 

I also had positive interactions with everyone else at the firm, including meeting Michelle at the Democratic BBQ Bash and communicating with Erica and Tatiana via phone and email. 

Mr. Proctor has been a guiding light for me this summer. While he is a very busy man, he constantly sets an example of what a leader should look like and has gone out of his way to make me feel valued as an intern at G.S. Proctor. 

What have been the biggest lessons learned?
I have always been extremely passionate about investing. However, at G.S. Proctor, I was able to get a glimpse into the political work that goes into acquiring investment opportunities. While the stock market provides real-time quotes on the market value of a stock, valuing politicians, relationships and information is an equally complex process. 

Do any memorable moments stand out?
The most memorable moment I had was attending the Democratic BBQ bash. Seeing the green G.S. Proctor logo plastered at the top of every poster and watching politicians acknowledge Mr. Proctor was extremely inspiring. The love that Mr. Proctor received at that event provided me with the courage to know that I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

What are your professional goals for the future?
My personal goal is to work at a law firm doing Cryptocurrency regulation. I have some long-term ideas about the implementation of Crypto products in Prince George’s County. However, I will need to put the work in on the regulatory side in order to be able to provide value on how to accomplish that longer-term goal. 

What do you most enjoy doing outside of work and school?
In my free time, I love to learn about new innovative technologies and investment opportunities. As technology rapidly advances, I believe that this will open up a new wave of opportunities for both Americans and individuals around the world. I genuinely enjoy being a part of the Global Macroeconomic community and engaging in lively debate about what will happen in the future.

Tatiana Paige Alston

We have always been committed to providing the highest levels of service for our clients each day. Yet a key part of our success is that we are always laying the groundwork for future prosperity — for our firm and for our clients.

Critical to that forward-thinking mission is finding, hiring and grooming promising young talent like Tatiana Alston. She joined G.S. Proctor, Inc., in late 2019, fresh out of college and currently has the dual roles of Government Relations Specialist and Legislative Assistant to the Vice President.

Her passion and drive are incredible. She works hard, she’s eager to learn and she has very quickly become an integral part of our team at G.S. Proctor & Associates. Read the brief Q&A below to get to know Tatiana and see a glimpse of our bright future.

How long have you worked for G.S. Proctor & Associates?
I graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in December 2019, earning a double major in Political Science, with a concentration in civil rights, and Africana Studies. I then began working at G.S.Proctor & Associates, Inc., in February 2020, just over a month and a half before the pandemic.

What gets you excited to start work each day?
Firstly, I am filled with gratitude and blessed to be working with such exceptionally gifted
people. G.S. Proctor & Associates has provided me the opportunity to work in such an
interconnected environment that I have never had the pleasure to experience before.

Secondly, I am beyond ecstatic that each day, I get to wake up and work with our
amazing clientele and community members, while working on numerous projects that
have meaningful impacts that ripple throughout every facet of our social world.

Overall I am just thankful that I am able to combine my work and passion for creating
systemic change.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?
Since I recently graduated college in December of 2019, I would say working here at
G.S. Proctor and adapting to the ever changing virtual/pandemic world has been an
amazing accomplishment, in itself. Additionally, I treasure the opportunity I had to speak
at a Black Lives Matter rally in Washington D.C.

In your view, what makes G.S. Proctor & Associates such a successful firm?
I believe that what makes G.S. Proctor & Associates successful is first and foremost our
ability to bring forth value to our clients and community members. Our president, Steve
Proctor, successfully intertwines his leadership with meaningful relationships through
building and fostering relationships with ease. He truly is an integral part of why our firm
is as amazing as it is.

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?
Outside of work, I love to wear many hats: I love creating digital artwork, dancing,
listening to music and creating choreography, while spending time with my family and
friends. I also love anything to do with Harry Potter!

Best advice you were ever given?
The best professional advice I was ever given was to “bring value” and to “embrace
failure.” As bringing value to the forefront allows people to, in return, feel valued. Which
fosters long-lasting relationships and allows the opportunity to exceed expectations.

Embracing failure is just as valuable as, if not more valuable than embracing success.
Continuing the effort of starting over or possessing the ability to learn and decide a new
route is paramount in a successful career.

What are you most looking forward to doing now that pandemic restrictions are easing?
When the world finally reopens, I am looking forward to traveling. More specifically I’m
looking forward to being able to celebrate my birthday this August in Las Vegas! I am
also looking forward to going to entertainment events (I’ve missed them so much) and
of course seeing my friends and family again!