The value of passion cannot be overstated. Those who are genuinely passionate about the work they do will find a way to achieve their goals. At G.S. Proctor & Associates, we have been fortunate to benefit from the passion that Joe Green brings to our team each day.
Over two separate stints, beginning in 2005, he has demonstrated this in all that he does. Now, as our Director of Strategic Partnerships, he plays a vital role in helping our clients succeed. He understands that relationships and connections are essential, and he finds a way to create win-win situations.
We are a stronger firm for all that he brings to the table. Read the brief Q&A below, and you’ll understand what we mean.
How long have you worked for G.S. Proctor & Associates?
I have worked here during two separate stints. The first was from January 2005 through December 2017, and I rejoined the firm in October 2020.
What gets you excited to start work each day?
Every day, at G.S. Proctor and Associates, I have the opportunity to work with some of the best and brightest people in civic life, government and business. The work we do supports efforts to achieve workable compromises between communities, public officials and the business community.
We provide key insights to government regulators and key policymakers whose decisions will be felt far and wide. And we facilitate conversations and negotiations that impact many of the key issues that you read about and follow everyday. To be a meaningful part of the aforementioned activities excites me beyond all measure. It challenges me to be informed and prepared for opportunities presented to us each and everyday.
What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?
Being a part of one of the most well-respected minority-owned lobbying and consulting firms is very uplifting to me. Moreover, there is a sense of pride in supporting the efforts of communities to hold their elected representatives accountable and provide forums for meaningful engagement between constituents, government actors, and the business community. Helping to facilitate that is incredibly rewarding. There isn’t one-case or one-win that captures that story — they all do.
In your view, what makes G.S. Proctor & Associates such a successful firm?
We are guided by our mission statement. Our firm approaches every person we have the opportunity to engage — with integrity, professionalism, and a commitment to service. These values not only benefit clients, the political community and the stakeholders we work with, but they also create a strong and resilient team dynamic.
We trust each other at G.S. Proctor & Associates. We believe that every day, each member of our team does their level best to present their interpretation of our mission statement to everyone they interact with.

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?
I benefit from having a lovely and patient wife and a precocious 4-year-old daughter, who just started pre-kindergarten. So it goes without saying that my time is often spoken for outside of work.
Best advice you were ever given?
Surround yourself with men and women of good character, sound judgment and who demonstrate a commitment to pursue the best possible outcome for all … and be sure to emulate their example.
— Anonymous
What are you most looking forward to doing when the pandemic is finally behind us?
Dusting off my passport!